Hi! I'm Sanford! Welcome to my little corner of the internet! This website is just for me and very self indulgent, I hope you enjoy!

About me... Hmmm... I'm transgender and use she/he pronouns. I have autism along with several other conditions, please be patient with me! I'm an artist and post my art pretty much everywhere under the name vhsdreamland, but I'm most active on Newgrounds, Tumblr, FurAffinity, DeviantArt, and Instagram. I've also made a few games and songs! I have many interests you can spot references to around the site! I love Webkinz, Newgrounds, Madness Combat, Fin Fin on Teo the Magic Planet, the furry community, Legos, and more!

My fursona is also the mascot of this site! Expect to see lots of art of him, such as the art to the left which was made by CootieGirl on Newgrounds! His name is Herb (in reference to Herbert West) and he's a mad scientist! He lives in the world of Gregory Horror Show and in the near future he will have a whole page dedicated to him and his lore!

Scroll down to check out my stamp collection! All of them are from DeviantArt!

lace border by @baeyhkun on Twitter!